Coconut Grove Playhouse Update #1

Coconut Grove Playhouse Update #1

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Dear Friends of GableStage,

We are making steady progress on our new home at the Coconut Grove Playhouse.

All of us at GableStage are so excited to share some of the developments with you:

  • World-class architectural firm Arquitectonica and historic preservation architect Jorge Hernandez are part of a “dream team” hired and at work now on designing the project.
  • GableStage has completed the building program for our 300-seat theater with the guidance of renowned New York theater designers, Fischer Dachs Associates.
  • By the end of this summer, we should see the first preliminary architectural drawings for the Playhouse and share them with you in public meetings and on our website.

Our goal is to work with our designers and our project partners – Miami-Dade County and Florida International University – to have the architectural and engineering work completed and construction bids issued as early as 2017. With a contractor on board, we will be will on the way to our new home at the Coconut Grove Playhouse.

The Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs is posting Playhouse updates on its website. Click here to see the latest news.

We will continue to post periodic news about the progress on launching our next era of great theater – GableStage at the Coconut Grove Playhouse. Join our e-mail list for immediate updates.

Stay tuned for an exciting announcement about the evolution of our company’s name once we are officially “moved”!


Joseph Adler
Producing Artistic Director

Playhouse Fact:

GableStage has a 100-year agreement with Miami-Dade County to be the operator of the new 300-seat theater being designed and built with $20 million of secured County funding. Soon, we will be sharing opportunities for you to have your name associated with this historic project!