Tanya is a playwright and television writer who most recently served as creator, showrunner, and executive producer of the critically-acclaimed series “Vida” on Starz, The show featured all Latine writers and directors, including Saracho who made her directorial debut. Saracho is currently developing projects under her overall deal at Universal Cable Productions. Saracho co-founded the Untitled Latinx Project, whose mission is to increase Latine representation in television through content created by Latine writers. In addition, Saracho launched the Ojalá Ignition Lab, which is an incubator program aimed to nurture, amplify, guide, and empower intersectional Latine voices. The fellows and finalists for Ojala’s inaugural lab were announced in January 2022. Saracho was the recipient of the Norman Lear Writers Award at the 2021 Imagen Awards. Named one of “TV Scribes to Watch” by Variety in 2018, Saracho was honored by the LGBTQ California Legislative Caucus as their 2020 Pride Month Honoree. She received the Rising Star Award at the Outfest Legacy Awards, and was awarded the New Voice Award by Final Draft. “Vida” won the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Comedy Series in 2019. The series was honored by the National Hispanic Media Coalition with the 2019 Impact Award, won the Audience Award at the 2018 SXSW Film Festival, and made its season two premiere as an Official Selection of the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival.