Dry Powder

[h1]DRY POWDER[/h1]
[h2]by Sarah Burgess[/h2]
[h4]March 25 – April 23, 2017[/h4]

This viciously, deliciously funny new drama is about the people shaping and skewing the American economy. About rapacious wheeling and dealing in the world of high finance — the play addresses the hot-button topics of income inequality and the collapse of American manufacturing.

”A gripping, razor-sharp new play about the price of success and the real cost of getting the deal done.” – The New York Times

[h3]Who’s Who[/h3]

[h4]The Cast[/h4]
Alex Alvarez: Seth
Stephen G. Anthony: Rick
Katherine C. McDonald: Jenny
Robert Strain: Jeff Schrader

[h4]The Artists[/h4]

Sarah Burgess: Playwright
Joseph Adler: Director
Lyle Baskin: Set Design
Ellis Tillman: Costume Design
Matt Corey: Sound Design
Jeff Quinn: Lighting Design

Stephen G. Anthony, Alex Alvaraez, Robert Strain and Katherine C. McDonald
Stephen G. Anthony, Alex Alvaraez, Robert Strain and Katherine C. McDonald

Stephen G. Anthony and Katherine C. McDonald
Stephen G. Anthony and Katherine C. McDonald

Alex Alvarez, Stephen G. Anthony and Katherine C. McDonald
Alex Alvarez, Stephen G. Anthony and Katherine C. McDonald

Alex Alvarez, Stephen G. Anthony and Katherine C. McDonald
Alex Alvarez, Stephen G. Anthony and Katherine C. McDonald

Alex Alvarez, Robert Strain and Katherine C. McDonald
Alex Alvarez, Robert Strain and Katherine C. McDonald

Stephen G. Anthony, Alex Alvaraez, Robert Strain and Katherine C. McDonald
Stephen G. Anthony, Alex Alvaraez, Robert Strain and Katherine C. McDonald

Photos: George Schiavone