New Jerusalem
[h1]New Jerusalem
The Interrogation of Baruch De Spinoza at Talmud Torah Congregation: Amsterdam, July 27, 1656[/h1]
[h2]by David Ives[/h2]
[h4]March 28 – April 26, 2015[/h4]
Presented in association with
The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science & The Appignani Foundation.
When the city of Amsterdam accuses the young philosopher Spinoza of atheism, the elders must summon him to the synagogue to defend himself. In this eloquent and masterful drama, Ives opens the temple doors and lets us listen to a dispute whose philosophical and political echoes still reverberate today.
[h3]Who’s Who[/h3]
[h4]The Cast[/h4]
Abraham Van Valkenburgh : Stephen G. Anthony
Clara Van Den Enden : Hannah Benitez
Saul Levi Mortera : Larry Bramble
Rebekah de Spinoza : Natalia Coego
Simon de Vries : Javier Del Riego
Baruch de Spinoza : Abdiel Vivancos
Gaspar Rodrigues Ben Israel : Gregg Weiner
[h4]The Artists[/h4]
Playwright: David Ives
Director: Joseph Adler
Set Design: Lyle Baskin
Lighting Design: Steve Welsh
Sound Design: Matt Corey
Costumes: Ellis Tillman
Technical Director: Carlos Rodriguez
Stage Manager: Kristin Pieski

Photos by George Schiavone