No Child

[h1]No Child[/h1]

[h2]by Nilaja Sun[/h2]

[h3]April 18 – May 17, 2009[/h3]


Shines a light on the struggles – and miracles – of America’s public schools. The actor transforms herself into an entire classroom of children, their teachers, their parents, the principal, the janitor and even the security guard with a metal detector at the front door. A master class on heartbreak and humor – which proves that one passionate person can still make a difference.

[h3]Who’s Who[/h3]

[h4]The Cast[/h4]
LELA ELAM as 16 characters
Janitor Baron, the play’s narrator
Ms. Sun, the play’s narrator
Ms. Tam, teacher
Coca, student
Jerome, student
Brian, student
Shondrika, student
Xiomara, student
Jose, student
Chris, Student
Mrs. Kennedy, Malcolm X High School Principal
Jamaican Security Guard
Philip, student
Mrs. Projensky, Russian substitute teacher
Mr. Johnson, new teacher
Dona Gusman, Jose’s grandmother

[h4]The Artists[/h4]
Playwright: Nilaja Sun
Director: Joseph Adler
Set Design: Tim Connelly
Lighting Design: Jeff Quinn
Music/Sound: Matt Corey
Technical Director: Carlos Rodriguez
Stage Manager: Kristen Pieski

No Child

Photos: George Schiavone